Thursday, July 22, 2010

What What?!

O.M.G. I got featured on a blog! What What?! I'm kinda excited can ya tell? Yeah my turquoise chairs are on the blog Better After and I'm so excited! I luuuuve her blog. And its gotten me a couple of new followers! I'm moving on up! lol But now I'm feeling the pressure! I haven't posted anything in a while and I guess I'm going to have to now. I do have a few more projects I can post about I just gotta upload the pics and blah blah.... can you tell I'm a little bit lazy? haha ok I just had to tell somebody out there cause I was to excited!


  1. I am Michelle from Dibble Dabble Life and I actually found your blog from you being featured...CONGRATS! I am a new blogger is nice to find other people that are new in this world! Feel free to stop by and peruse my blog!

  2. Popping over from Better After. Your chairs look fantastic!
