Friday, April 23, 2010
Sick Baby & Kickboxing
Now on to kickboxing! I have started a kickboxing class at this gym that teaches cage fighting and martial arts but by no means will I be getting in any cage and fighting. I'm pretty sure I look like a big ol goober in there with my boxing gloves on trying to hit a punching bag but it sure is fun! And its been a really good workout so far, Ive been sore every night since Ive been going which has only been about two weeks... I'm hoping this will help me lose some weight but that's not really my main focus right now. I'm more doing this to become more active and I like having something to do four nights a week. Did I mention it was Monday thru Thursday?! Yeah so it can really kick your butt!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Crafts for Easter
So while I was outside painting my table from the previous post I started looking around in our garage and found these chairs up in the rafters! I was so excited cause I was really wanting some chairs to paint for my Easter dinner party. I was kinda scared though that they would fall apart when we tried to get them down because there is no telling how long they've been up there probably at least 30 years or longer... but when we got them down they really weren't to bad a couple or legs had popped out and the last chair on the right was missing a peg but nothing a little wood glue couldn't fix!
In this picture you can see all four of the chairs I found. Can you see how dirty?! I had already wiped down the middle two chairs and the outside two still have all the dirt and dust on them that's been accumulating for 30 plus years. Ewwww!
Here they are painted. I got different spray paints in kind of pastel colors so they would more Easter-y. I also glazed them but you cant really tell in this picture. I should have sanded them in some spots to make them looked more aged but I didn't have anymore time to spend on the chairs. (plus I got lazy) I hadn't planned on doing any chairs for the extra table but when I found these I knew I had to! The only problem was I didn't find them until like two or three days before the party so I just kinda had to work 30 minutes in here and there to work on them cause i had so much more to do too. But I'm glad I did! Project #2
What do wooden candle sticks, soap dishes, and bowls have in common? They make a great little project! I originally got this idea from another blog I follow and decided to try it myself. If you go to Goodwill they are bound to have a whole isle dedicated to wood and my Goodwill is no different. I found all these candlesticks, soap dish and wooden plate at my Goodwill. I got the other three wooden bowls at an Antique Mall for like 50 cents a piece.

Until next time!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Side Table Redo

I forgot to take a before picture till I was halfway done priming it but you get the picture. Im sure everybody has seen a table similar to this cause their everywere! I wish this one was just a size or two smaller though so it would look better as a side table.
Here it is painted and glazed. Dont it already look better?!
Then I got out the sand paper and did a little distressing which just put the finishing touch on it.

Love it! This was my first big painting and glazing project and I think it turned out pretty good! I cant wait to do something else!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Happy Birthday Dinner Party

I already had the Happy Birthday felt banner (that you can barely see in the upper left corner) and the table runner from Hobby Lobby that I got last year for his 1st birthday.
We have a TON of old soda bottles. So when I was trying to think of what to do for a centerpiece I thought these would be perfect with a flower in each of them. And I just love how it came out! It was simple enough that it looked good for a child's birthday but still pretty for all the adults to enjoy it. Plus also who doesnt love flowers in Feburary?! It totally got everybody ready for spring weather!
How pretty huh?!

And last but definately not least the birthday boy! He use to do this really sweet little grin and say "cheeeesssseee" and it was so cute. But then it turned into this.... instead of a sweet little grin his face gets all scrunched up and one eye shuts more than the other and his mouth kinda turns into a growl. But of course I still think its adorable!
I had so much fun planning and decorating for this party and it turned out so good (at least I think so) and most importantly the birthday boy had a blast!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Holy Flab!
I am really into the shabby chic... cottage-y... flea market style decorating. Since I stay at home now I am starting to redecorate my childhood home. Did I mention I haved moved back in with my father (yeah...) anyways the house is stuck in the early 90's or any decade before that its just dated.. BAD! But since I do live with my dad Im having to figure out how to redo the house on the cheap. Which takes patience... which Im trying to aquire more of... bluh.
So this blog is going to be kindof a catch all of my so called life you know posts about any furniture pieces I redo, any decorating that gets done around here, random things that happen to me or my son, my weight delimma and so on. Im hoping this blog will help me feel like im doing something and hold me accountable for getting up and exercising and being active everyday.
Ps Im not the best writer so if your looking for correct punctuation and grammer youve come to the wrong place. I just write how I talk and if I feel like I want to put a period then I do if not then oh well. So please dont judge! Oh and plus also I cant spell either! Sorry!