Project #1So while I was outside painting my table from the previous post I started looking around in our garage and found these chairs up in the rafters! I was so excited cause I was really wanting some chairs to paint for my Easter dinner party. I was kinda scared though that they would fall apart when we tried to get them down because there is no telling how long they've been up there probably at least 30 years or longer... but when we got them down they really weren't to bad a couple or legs had popped out and the last chair on the right was missing a peg but nothing a little wood glue couldn't fix! In this picture you can see all four of the chairs I found. Can you see how dirty?! I had already wiped down the middle two chairs and the outside two still have all the dirt and dust on them that's been accumulating for 30 plus years. Ewwww!
Here they are painted. I got different spray paints in kind of pastel colors so they would more Easter-y. I also glazed them but you cant really tell in this picture. I should have sanded them in some spots to make them looked more aged but I didn't have anymore time to spend on the chairs. (plus I got lazy) I hadn't planned on doing any chairs for the extra table but when I found these I knew I had to! The only problem was I didn't find them until like two or three days before the party so I just kinda had to work 30 minutes in here and there to work on them cause i had so much more to do too. But I'm glad I did!
Project #2
What do wooden candle sticks, soap dishes, and bowls have in common? They make a great little project! I originally got this idea from another blog I follow and decided to try it myself. If you go to Goodwill they are bound to have a whole isle dedicated to wood and my Goodwill is no different. I found all these candlesticks, soap dish and wooden plate at my Goodwill. I got the other three wooden bowls at an Antique Mall for like 50 cents a piece.

Then I just used some wood glue and glued the bowls and plates to the candle sticks to make pedestal bowls! Aren't they cute?! And I haven't even painted them yet! It probably would have been better if I had used gorilla glue because a couple of them popped apart when I was painting them but I just glued them back together and they've held fine so far.
Now onto painting! I painted them Easter colors so I could use them as a centerpiece (which I will show in my next post). Of course this couldn't all happen without one mishap. If you haven't noticed the plate one is missing from this picture and that's because I tried to paint it purple and it just totally messed up! The paint did something so weird it got all goopy and then part of it kinda just turned to dust like I said it was weird! So I had to sand it down some and prime it and I painted it white like the other bowl in the back of the picture. I also put some glaze on them but I forgot to take a picture of that so you will just have to wait till next post with all the Easter pictures.
Project #3
I made a Happy Easter banner to hang. I used scrapbook paper that I already had some cupcake papers and alphabet stickers. I wanted it to look old so I tea-dyed my cupcake papers because they were stark white plus I tea-dyed some lace fabric which I will show later.
Here's a little sneak preview. I cut my scrap booking paper into triangles and then the pink paper in a circle. I used two pieces of cupcake paper so it would stick out more. The back piece I just stuck on there and didn't do anything to it and the top piece I crinkled up and then unraveled it so it would stick out some. I used stickers from Hobby Lobby for the letters. I wanted to use stamps so it would look older but they didn't have any big enough. I also used some distressed ink and rubbed it on around the edges of the triangle paper and the pink circle cutouts. I strung it out on a string and hing it up it the dining room for Easter. You will see the whole set up in my next post!
Until next time!
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