Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New Flowerbed!

So Ive been wanting to plant a flowerbed in the spot for sometime and I finally decided to just do it! I got that little tricycle planter the other day while I was out junk shopping and that got me really wanting to plant some flowers. I use to work for the campus greenhouse and we would plant and water and keep up with all the beds on campus and let me tell you that was one FUN summer. Then the next summer I got a job at the local landscaping and nursery. So I am no stranger to planting flowers but I haven't done it in a couple of years since I had Nash and I was really having the itch.

So me and Nash headed to Lowe's and let me tell you that was NOT fun! It is soooo freakin hard to shop with a 2 yr old! He doesn't just want to sit in the buggy and let me look anymore he has to be down walking and getting into everything. Ugh. Plus it was sooooo HOT. I was like dripping with sweat after about 5 mins of being out there looking. We ended up being at Lowe's for about an hour and half to two hours looking at plants and trying to figure out what to plant and then after all that looking I ended up just grabbing stuff that I thought might possibly work because I couldn't think because I had Nash running around and whining about everything! Ok I'm done complaining about my sweet baby.

This is the bed before I planted obviously... Its pretty shallow so I bought potting soil to fill it up with.
And here's the after! How pretty?! I'm in love.... I just hope it does good I'm not sure about the big plants in the back. Ive never planted anything like them and I don't know how big their gonna get or if they will take cause they don't have that much soil to grow in so we will see.

This is what the big plants are suppose to look like when they start flowering. I thought they were really neat so I really want them to take!

And then I planted this lovely tub of flowers. Ive planted this same tub before and put in the same place and it was so cute. So i wanted to try it again.

I love this pic with my yellow house in the background it looks so summer-y to me. I will do another post when my flowers get bigger and prettier!
There are still a few more things I want to do outside. Ive been looking for something to put on the front porch maybe a planter or something I'm not sure yet. I also want two chairs and a small table for the spot beside the new flower bed. Plus I really need to paint the shutters. AHHH!
Ok later for now!

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